Indie Pop Artists to Watch in 2025

Indie Pop Artists to Watch in 2025

As we enter February, emotion and sentimentality are around every corner. Thankfully, we’ve got a list of artists who could work well as the soundtrack of your romance (and lack thereof) – and who are all suspected of making big moves this year. Halfloves...
24 Songs to Celebrate 2024

24 Songs to Celebrate 2024

I’ll be the first to admit that as I get older, I listen to less music, go to fewer shows, and write fewer reviews. My taste is probably as wide as it’s ever been, but I guess I’ve gotten picky as life has moved faster, I’ve taken on bigger...
Pagu – Quiet + Slow

Pagu – Quiet + Slow

Pagu, the moniker of Nashville-via Florida Gulf Coast-via Ohio’s Jonah Tatum, has earned himself quite a reputation due to his bombastic live shows, intricate set and lighting design, and dynamic stage personality. While he sometimes plays with a band of...
Night Traveler – Hotspot

Night Traveler – Hotspot

As much as my music taste has leaned toward various forms of post-hardcore and indie rock, my taste has expanded over the years. I’m not quite a religious listener when it comes to whatever you call the amalgamation of post-punk, synth pop, and 80s revival, but...