Everything Dies According To The Sweet Serenades

Hailing from Sweden, The Sweet Serenades is a musical collective that almost defies genre definition. On the surface there are strong sythwave/synthpop influences, but when you dig deeper you will see that these elements only set the framework for more depth and complexity.

Their latest release, Everything Dies, is the culmination of the past couple of years spent on piecing everything together (“Go Go Go (Forever Young) was released as a single almost 2 years ago). A lot of time and effort have gone in to this specific collection of songs that manage to tell an intricately woven story (with room for individual side quests) that is sure to please both casual and veteran listeners.

Everything Dies kicks off with the title track and instantly you can hear the subtle influences of synthwave/synthpop. Their is a simplicity to the overall composition that still manages to leave space for minute complexities and/or intricacies throughout. “Walk Away” follows and keeps things in much lighter tone that carries a slight sense of whimsy mixed with some light jazz elements. “Akhilia” continues with more of the lighter tones and almost has an atmosphere about it that makes you feel as if you are on a journey of sorts.

“Don’t Cry” is fairly upbeat and poppy while carrying a slight tonal shift from the lighter tracks preceding. The tone is not dark by any means, but feels like it has a density to it. “Hey Little Bird” stays in the mid tone found in “Don’t Cry” while having a lyrical sense to it that creates another journey of sorts. “Shapes And Colors” carries another distinct tonal shift, but this time it does feel somewhat heavier almost as if there is a looming darkness. It gives the track a nice atmospheric ambiance.

“Back In Your Arms” mellows things down a bit as it is much slower in nature than the rest of the album, but it still has a solid tonal journey about it. Additionally, there are some background vocals interlaced that provide a bit of an ethereal aspect. “Go Go Go (Forever Young)” is much more upbeat and has a very distinct vibe to it that may draw comparisons to tracks utilized on the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack (mainly the more 80s centric tracks). “Let The Devil In” closes out the album in a rather somber tone as it plays more in to the somewhat “heavier” tones. It is a unique album closer, but it really makes sense in the grand scheme of the album. While there are individual tracks that feel like a journey within themselves the album as a whole is a journey itself.

Everything Dies is a remarkably composed album that carries a sense of time passing from life to death as the album progresses from start to finish. The Sweet Serenades manage to intricately stand out in a vast musical soundscape where their style isn’t very prominent. It is this very aspect that gives them an edge of sorts.

Everything Dies is out now independently and is available on all major streaming and digital platforms.

The Sweet Serenades currently do not have any dates on the horizon, but you can follow their Songkick page for any tour updates as they are announced.

The Sweet Serenades – “Walk Away” (Official Video)

You can connect with The Sweet Serenades on social media via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (X).

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